
Your Body on Esports is the result of a cooperation between BetVictor and the University of Leeds, aiming to better understand the psychological and physiological impact of esports.

Esports had been gaining traction over the last few years. While some simply get their fill with casual gaming, others are looking for a competitive environment to strive in. Real-time gaming is a difficult discipline, in which split-second decision-making skills can make a difference between losing and winning.

Your Body on Esports

This is where such a study comes into play. The methodology consists of tracking the heart rates and anxiety levels of thirty-two gamers playing across four different titles (Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds). While the University of Leeds provided the data, BetVictor analyzed and compiled them into Your Body on Esports.


It was when dealing with pressure and potential consequences that the study recorded its highest heart rate fluctuations. These games are not known to be forgiving, and simple mistakes can quickly add up. This is why in-game events are sources of stress for gamers. The study had also shown that having previous in-game experiences reduces the overall stress level. Players had built up muscle memory that they can rely on.

Pace can also make a huge difference. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, there are not as many variables as in other games, and counter-terrorists can strategize together to keep the enemy at bay. On the other side of the spectrum lies Apex Legends, whose infernal rhythm keeps players on high alert until the end.

Finally, all test subjects have stated these sessions had helped them reduce their level of stress.

Written by Charles Fuster

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