
For this week I thought I’d go ahead and try something different. Something relating more to the niche side of tea. I was thinking something like teapots.

They are absolutely essential if you’re trying to make that great cup of loose leaf tea. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Teapots are the vessels of the steeping gods who bring forth those heavenly subtleties. There also is the fact that it’s kind of hard to make a lot of loose leaf tea without one, but that’s a minor detail.

Teapot Aficionados

If you’re one of those diehard fans of the handle and spout then you must check out the blogs I have listed below. They are authored by those who breath clay and porcelain, and the content provided would satisfy even the most barmy fanatic.


This blog is probably the best you’re going to find if you’re looking for zany and unique teapots. I also believe that this is the only blog devoted soley to its subject – teapots. There really is no doubt when it comes to the name.

Teapots Teapots Teapots is centered around photos, with short posts giving a few good details here and there, but the photos really speak for themselves. There are also a bunch of wonderful links to follow if your need for teapots is insatiable.

The focus of this blog appears to be more on style than on functionality or traditions, which is perfectly fine. This doesn’t mean that there is nothing to be gained either, as Andy (the blog creator) has some rather informative posts about the year the teapot was made, as well as putting the puchased price under each pot. This alone is very interesting to see how much value is placed for collectors. There are also details given from auctions and festivals that might interest any tea fan who is unable to attend, considering the blog is based in the UK.

Absolute Tea Rank: [*] [*] [*] [*] [ ]
(Based on a teapot fan perspective only)

That’s 4 out of 5 for being a one of a kind, quality site. It’s updated at a regular pace and is true to its blog name. The pictures are great and fun to look at. The reason this site loses a star is because it doesn’t contain anything on the functionality of the pots. This is a minor thing though and perhaps it wouldn’t fit anywhere in the blog either. That said, I highly recommend you at least take a peak at the site and scroll through a few photos. There is bound to be one in that massive list that appeals to you.

Blog Description – My Tea Blog: Discovering Oolong, Pu Er and the Art of Gong Fu Cha with Taiwan’s Tea Masters.

As you can probably see from the description, this blog isn’t necessarily about teapots, but it has a focus on traditions and ceremonies that involve teapots. More often than not, you will find excellent information here about the functionality that bring out the flavors in tea.

Throughout the site there is a high sense of professionalism and you get the feeling that Stephane (blog creator) knows what he is talking about. The fascinating thing about this blog is that it is written in a few different languages with no apparent pattern. It’s as if he is tailoring subjects to different groups or people making it feel more personal and directed at individuals.

The focus of this blog seems to be on how to enjoy tea at the expert level. In fact, there is a recent post that describes how to drink tea like a professional tea taster. The post is in English and there are numbered instructions that you can follow.

Absolute Tea Rank: [*] [*] [*] [*] [ ]
(Based on a teapot fan perspective only)

I gave this site 4 out of 5 stars because it is a fantastic source of information regarding high-end teapots. The pictures are well done and the content is quite good for not being devoted to teapots. Tea Masters loses one star mostly because the site doesn’t translate all its posts to English and it is not meant to be all about teapots. This really says something though for the quality and variety of the site, considering the information provided is as if the site was devoted to teapots. Another must see blog.

In case you lose this post in my archives I have put the sites in my sidebar. If I was rating these sites out of the context of a teapot fan I would definitely rate them at the highest mark. They are essential stops if you enjoy tea blogs.