
“Asahi Linux for Apple M1 Macs is moving closer to reality,” writes Slashdot reader TroysBucket.

An Asahi developer posted a detailed status update on Twitter. Linux enthusiast Bryan Lunduke offers this succinct summary:

– The Asahi Linux team has Linux (Debian, in this case) booting and usable with network support.

– They now have (very early) display drivers which “take full advantage of the display hardware.”

– They have at least two base distributions — both Arch and Debian — working and functional (to some extent).

They also have, according to their latest update, “boot picker” support so that you can manually select which OS / Drive to boot from on the M1 Macs… I, for one, can’t wait to see the first public, functional release of Asahi Linux — and will be following it extremely closely.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.