
Landlords still want punters to stay put and stay thirsty, but as the UK’s tastes have changed, so bar snacks have become increasingly sophisticated – from jalapeño pretzel pieces to spicy cider chorizo

In the past seven years, the snack menu at Sheffield micropub the Beer House has been on quite a journey. If you like a bag of peanuts with your pint, it’s one you’ll recognise.

Owner John Harrison’s original snack range was simple: pickled onion Monster Munch, KP nuts and Walkers crisps. Today, salted almonds are his biggest seller and his selection includes Snyder’s jalapeño pretzel pieces, pork pies, olives and sausage rolls, the latter sourced from fellow independent businesses in Sharrow Vale. “It’s rare to see people eating crisps now,” says Harrison. But if you do fancy a packet, the Beer House stocks upmarket Pipers. Karnataka black pepper and sea salt, anyone?

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