
Another 12 months gone by, and with it nearly 8,000 new Slashdot headlines — so which ones drew the most views?
Click here for lists of Slashdot’s top 10 most-visited and most-commented stories of the year — and also the all-time top 10 lists since Slashdot’s creation in 1997.

Here’s some of 2021’s highlights:
Two of this year’s most-visited stories involved Linus Torvalds. (Although one just reported Torvalds “Tells Anti-Vaxxer To Shut Up On Linux Mailing List.”) Another story in April found Torvalds saying Rust was at least closer to use in Linux kernel development — while also calling C++ “a crap language.” One of the biggest stories of the year was Richard Stallman’s return to the Free Software Foundation. The third most-visited story of the year covered the pushback against his return from the EFF, the Tor Project, Mozilla, and the creator of Rust. Remember that big electrical outage that left millions of Texans without power in the middle of a winter storm? As the crisis was still raging, CNN asked the million-dollar question: who’s actually to blame? This became Slashdot’s 9th most-visited story of the year — and also the 7th most-commented. Two of the 10 most-visited stories of the year were “Ask Slashdot” technical questions: In April RockDoctor (Slashdot reader #15,477) asked whether a software RAID is better than a hardware RAID? And in January of 2020 Slashdot reader lsllll asked for suggestions on a a battery-powered wi-fi security camera supporting FTP/SMB

Interestingly, one of the year’s most-commented poll topics had asked whether bitcoin would break $100,000 before the end of 2021. 4,951 voters — a full 25% — had said “Yes” — and were off by more than half, with bitcoin actually tumbling 8% in the last week of 2021 to wind up somewhere near $46,371 as of late Friday afternoon.
At the time of the poll — October 8th — the price of Bitcoin was already up to $53,963. One month later it had reached it’s highest price of 2021 — $67,582 — before dropping 31.7% over the next 53 days.

In the October poll asking whether bitcoin would reach $100,000 in the final 84 days of 2021 — another 14,687 Slashdot readers voted “No.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.