
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: A Dutch supermarket chain says it will introduce 200 “chat registers” in its stores for customers who aren’t in a hurry and want to have a chat during checkout. The initiative, announced by the popular supermarket chain Jumbo on Monday, is meant to combat loneliness — especially in the country’s elderly population. According to Statistics Netherlands, a government organization, 26 percent of Dutch people older than 15 feel at least moderately lonely. That proportion rises to 33 percent among those over 75.

Jumbo piloted the first so-called chat register (“kletskassa” in Dutch) in 2019 and received positive reactions from customers. The decision comes as part of the government-sponsored “One Against Loneliness” program, which, among other things, established a 24/7 loneliness hotline. Jumbo also said it will “carefully consider areas where loneliness is a major issue” when choosing where to open the 200 chat registers in branches across the Netherlands and Belgium. Alongside the chat registers, it will also be opening an unspecified number of “cozy chat corners” where customers can have a cup of coffee and a chat, and will donate ingredients to Oma’s Soep — an initiative that brings the elderly together with university students to make soup.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.