
The Rebecca Foundation has embarked on building crèches in some selected markets after the market women narrated their ordeal of balancing their trade with child care.

The crèches, to be built for the market women at the Adenta, Koforidua, Dome, and Apramdo shopping centres, will provide a place for babies and children to be cared for while their mothers focus on their trading.

The Foundation believes that having access to safe and affordable childcare gives women and families with children the choice and opportunity to work.

Mama Jane, the market queen at the Adenta Shopping Center thanked the First Lady for taking the initiative after she came on a visit.

“We told her that we wanted a place for our market women with babies, and as you can see, the project is on course,” she said.

“I am a trader, I am personally so excited about this project, I have a baby under two years so she will definitely attend the school,” said madam Monica, a trader.

Building contractor, Samuel Kofi Adebie said the projects are on course adding that when completed the facilities will help give the needed child care support to market women.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri