
Is coffee really that bad for our teeth? Does it matter if we don’t floss? And is it possible to repair enamel? Dental expert and hygienist Elaine Tilling has the answers

From the first signs of tooth decay to at-home whitening advice, we asked TePe’s dental hygiene expert Elaine Tilling to answer our most pressing dental dos and don’ts. And by gum, she delivered. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about oral hygiene, but were too scared of the dentist to ask …

Q. What’s the best thing I can do for my teeth?
A. Simple: brush your teeth regularly using a fluoride toothpaste, clean between your teeth daily with floss or an interdental brush to clean those tiny spaces, and eat a balanced diet. That doesn’t mean you have to be healthier than thou – chocolate and sweets are only really bad if you graze between meals, but eating them with your meal is OK. Drinks-wise, the safest beverage is water.

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