Political position
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== Political position ==
== Political position ==
The Justice Party (although it has never officially claimed “[[social liberalism]]”) is evaluated as a political party located halfway between “[[liberalism]]” and “[[social democracy]]”.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://platformc.kr/2020/06/discard_welfare_state/ |title=정의당의 ‘정의로운 복지국가’ 재검토해야 |quote= … 정의당의 정치적 포지셔닝은 자유주의와 사회민주주의 사이 어디쯤이다. … |trans-quote=… The Justice Party’s political position is somewhere between liberalism and social democracy. … |language=ko |work=플랫폼c |date=7 June 2020 |access-date=4 December 2021}}</ref> South Korean traditional labor movement forces describe the Justice Party as a “liberal” party in a derogatory sense and do not recognize it as a “social democratic” party.<ref name=”자유주의”>{{cite web|title=정의당이 민주노총을 때리는 이유 |trans-title=The reason why the Justice Party hits the [[Korean Confederation of Trade Unions|Minju-nochong]]. |url=https://www.labortoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=204683 |quote=[[:ko:류호정|류호정]]의 민주노총 때리기는 자유주의 정당인 정의당 의원으로서 자연스럽고 당연한 일이다. 개인주의와 동전의 양면을 이루는 자유주의는 노동조합으로 대표되는 무식하고 가난한 자들의 “collectivism”을 늘 혐오해 왔다. |trans-quote=[[Ryu Ho-jeong]]’s beating of the Minju-nochong is natural and natural as a member of the Justice Party, a liberal party. Liberalism, which forms both sides of individualism and coins, has always hated the “collectivism” of the ignorant and poor represented by trade unions. |publisher=매일노동뉴스 |date=2021-08-30|access-date=2021-12-04}}</ref> JP claims to be a “social democratic” party that differentiates itself from DPK’s “liberal”, but the media describe JP as “[[Liberalism in South Korea|liberal]]” or “[[Progressivism in South Korea|progressive]]”. JP rejects socially conservatism and takes a socially progressive stance on [[Feminism in South Korea|feminism]] and [[LGBT rights in South Korea|LGBT rights]] issues.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211111000448 |title=Moon to send orchids of congratulations to main opposition presidential candidate |quote=On Tuesday, Moon will send orchids of congratulations to Sim Sang-jeung, the candidate of the minor progressive Justice Party, Park said..|work=[[The Korea Herald]].|date=11 November 2021 |access-date=13 November 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.vice.com/en/article/4ayjx9/south-korea-pastor-suspended-queer-festival-lgbtq-christian-church |title=This South Korean Pastor ‘Blessed’ a Queer Festival. He’s Now Being Investigated. |quote= The minor liberal Justice Party is now on its seventh attempt to pass the bill in the National Assembly. Previous attempts failed as conservative Christian groups have been lobbying against it since 2007. Lee believes that the bill’s passing is long overdue. |work=[[Vice (magazine)|Vice]] |date=2 October 2020 |access-date=9 November 2021}}</ref> Major JP politicians, including [[Jang Hye-young]], criticize DPK-style ‘liberalism’, but have a fairly favorable view of the [[Democratic Party (United States)|U.S. Democratic Party]] style [[Modern liberalism in the United States|liberalism]] and [[Joe Biden]].<ref name=”친미”>{{cite web|title=”미국이 돌아왔다!” 장혜영의 이 발언 매우 아쉽다 |trans-title=”The U.S. is back!” Jang Hye-young’s remarks are very unfortunate. |url=http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002723181 |quote=장혜영 의원이 모두발언에서 한 미국 외교정책에 대한 지지의사 표명은 현실 국제관계에 대한 무지와 낭만주의가 아닌지 우려스럽다. 지금까지 미국이 인권의 이름으로 국제개입을 했을 때 인권이 성장하긴 커녕 그 나라의 인권이 역으로 후퇴한 경우가 많았기 때문이다. |trans-quote=Rep. Jang Hye-young’s expression of support for US foreign policy is concerned about whether it is ignorance and romanticism about real international relations. This is because, until now, when the United States has intervened internationally in the name of human rights, there have been many cases where human rights in that country have retreated in reverse, rather than improving human rights.|publisher=[[OhmyNews]] |date=2021-03-02|access-date=2021-12-04}}</ref>
The Justice Party (although it has never officially claimed “[[social liberalism]]”) is evaluated as a political party located halfway between “[[liberalism]]” and “[[social democracy]]”.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://platformc.kr/2020/06/discard_welfare_state/ |title=정의당의 ‘정의로운 복지국가’ 재검토해야 |quote= … 정의당의 정치적 포지셔닝은 자유주의와 사회민주주의 사이 어디쯤이다. … |trans-quote=… The Justice Party’s political position is somewhere between liberalism and social democracy. … |language=ko |work=플랫폼c |date=7 June 2020 |access-date=4 December 2021}}</ref> South Korean traditional labor movement forces describe the Justice Party as a “liberal” party in a derogatory sense and do not recognize it as a “social democratic” party.<ref name=”자유주의”>{{cite web|title=정의당이 민주노총을 때리는 이유 |trans-title=The reason why the Justice Party hits the [[Korean Confederation of Trade Unions|Minju-nochong]]. |url=https://www.labortoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=204683 |quote=[[:ko:류호정|류호정]]의 민주노총 때리기는 자유주의 정당인 정의당 의원으로서 자연스럽고 당연한 일이다. 개인주의와 동전의 양면을 이루는 자유주의는 노동조합으로 대표되는 무식하고 가난한 자들의 “collectivism”을 늘 혐오해 왔다. |trans-quote=[[Ryu Ho-jeong]]’s beating of the Minju-nochong is natural and natural as a member of the Justice Party, a liberal party. Liberalism, which forms both sides of individualism and coins, has always hated the “collectivism” of the ignorant and poor represented by trade unions. |publisher=매일노동뉴스 |date=2021-08-30|access-date=2021-12-04}}</ref> JP claims to be a “social democratic” party that differentiates itself from DPK’s “liberal”, but the media describe JP as “[[Liberalism in South Korea|liberal]]” or “[[Progressivism in South Korea|progressive]]”. JP rejects socially conservatism and takes a socially progressive stance on [[Feminism in South Korea|feminism]] and [[LGBT rights in South Korea|LGBT rights]] issues.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20211111000448 |title=Moon to send orchids of congratulations to main opposition presidential candidate |quote=On Tuesday, Moon will send orchids of congratulations to Sim Sang-jeung, the candidate of the minor progressive Justice Party, Park said..|work=[[The Korea Herald]].|date=11 November 2021 |access-date=13 November 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.vice.com/en/article/4ayjx9/south-korea-pastor-suspended-queer-festival-lgbtq-christian-church |title=This South Korean Pastor ‘Blessed’ a Queer Festival. He’s Now Being Investigated. |quote= The minor liberal Justice Party is now on its seventh attempt to pass the bill in the National Assembly. Previous attempts failed as conservative Christian groups have been lobbying against it since 2007. Lee believes that the bill’s passing is long overdue. |work=[[Vice (magazine)|Vice]] |date=2 October 2020 |access-date=9 November 2021}}</ref> Major JP politicians, including [[Jang Hye-young]], criticize [[Democratic Party of Korea|DPK]]-style ‘liberalism’, but have a fairly favorable view of the [[Democratic Party (United States)|U.S. Democratic Party]] style [[Modern liberalism in the United States|liberalism]] and [[Joe Biden]].<ref name=”친미”>{{cite web|title=”미국이 돌아왔다!” 장혜영의 이 발언 매우 아쉽다 |trans-title=”The U.S. is back!” Jang Hye-young’s remarks are very unfortunate. |url=http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002723181 |quote=장혜영 의원이 모두발언에서 한 미국 외교정책에 대한 지지의사 표명은 현실 국제관계에 대한 무지와 낭만주의가 아닌지 우려스럽다. 지금까지 미국이 인권의 이름으로 국제개입을 했을 때 인권이 성장하긴 커녕 그 나라의 인권이 역으로 후퇴한 경우가 많았기 때문이다. |trans-quote=Rep. Jang Hye-young’s expression of support for US foreign policy is concerned about whether it is ignorance and romanticism about real international relations. This is because, until now, when the United States has intervened internationally in the name of human rights, there have been many cases where human rights in that country have retreated in reverse, rather than improving human rights.|publisher=[[OhmyNews]] |date=2021-03-02|access-date=2021-12-04}}</ref>
JP proposes economically more [[Political moderate|moderate]] policies than [[Social liberalism|liberal]] [[Left-wing populism|left-wing populists]] in [[Democratic Party of Korea|DPK]] such as [[Lee Jae-myung]]. In 2021, major JP politician Kang Min-jin ({{Korean|hangul=강민진}}) said that [[Sim Sang-jung]], JP’s [[2022 South Korean presidential election|presidential candidate in 2022]], is not (left-wing populist and socialist) [[Bernie Sanders]].<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002780476 |title=박가분씨, 심상정은 버니 샌더스가 아닙니다 |trans-title=Mr. Park Ga-bun, Sim Sang-jung is not Bernie Sanders. |work=[[OhmyNews]] |date=21 October 2021 |access-date=13 November 2021}}</ref> JP values [[Fiscal policy|fiscal responsibility]] and advocates tax increases. Also, JP opposes [[basic income]]. However, they are active in the issue of [[labor rights]] that liberal left-wing populists in the DPK are not interested in.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20211001_0001600872 |title=<nowiki>[인터뷰]</nowiki>정의당 이정미 “기본소득으론 국민 삶 문제 해결 안돼” |trans-title=<nowiki>[Interview]</nowiki> Justice Party’s Lee Jungmi said, “Basic income won’t solve the problem of people’s lives. |quote=이 전 대표는 전날 서울 영등포구의 캠프 사무실에서 진행된 뉴시스와의 인터뷰에서 “이 지사가 진보적 이미지를 갖게 된 결정적 계기는 ‘이재명표 기본소득’이었지만 저는 기본소득에 반대하는 사람”이라며 이같이 밝혔다. |trans-quote=In an interview with Newsis at the camp office in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul the previous day, former CEO [[Lee Jeong-mi]] said, “The decisive reason why Governor Lee had a progressive image was ‘Lee Jae-myung’s Basic Income’, but I am against basic income.” |work=뉴시스 |date=2 October 2021 |access-date=9 November 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/economy_general/1002377.html |title=”부가세 누진적 인상, 사회복지세 신설” 정의당의 보편증세 주장 |trans-title=”Progressive increase in VAT, establishment of social welfare tax.” Justice Party’s claim for universal tax increase. |quote=갈수록 늘어가는 복지 재원을 마련하기 위한 ‘증세’는 과연 가능할까? 내년 대통령 선거를 앞두고 거대 양당의 주요 대선 주자들은 겉으로는 ‘양극화 해소’를 외치면서도 증세에는 소극적 태도로 일관하고 있다. 이런 가운데 소비세와 소득세를 중심으로 한 보편증세안이 정의당 토론회에서 나왔다. |trans-quote=
JP proposes economically more [[Political moderate|moderate]] policies than [[Social liberalism|liberal]] [[Left-wing populism|left-wing populists]] in [[Democratic Party of Korea|DPK]] such as [[Lee Jae-myung]]. In 2021, major JP politician Kang Min-jin ({{Korean|hangul=강민진}}) said that [[Sim Sang-jung]], JP’s [[2022 South Korean presidential election|presidential candidate in 2022]], is not (left-wing populist and socialist) [[Bernie Sanders]].<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=A0002780476 |title=박가분씨, 심상정은 버니 샌더스가 아닙니다 |trans-title=Mr. Park Ga-bun, Sim Sang-jung is not Bernie Sanders. |work=[[OhmyNews]] |date=21 October 2021 |access-date=13 November 2021}}</ref> JP values [[Fiscal policy|fiscal responsibility]] and advocates tax increases. Also, JP opposes [[basic income]]. However, they are active in the issue of [[labor rights]] that liberal left-wing populists in the DPK are not interested in.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20211001_0001600872 |title=<nowiki>[인터뷰]</nowiki>정의당 이정미 “기본소득으론 국민 삶 문제 해결 안돼” |trans-title=<nowiki>[Interview]</nowiki> Justice Party’s Lee Jungmi said, “Basic income won’t solve the problem of people’s lives. |quote=이 전 대표는 전날 서울 영등포구의 캠프 사무실에서 진행된 뉴시스와의 인터뷰에서 “이 지사가 진보적 이미지를 갖게 된 결정적 계기는 ‘이재명표 기본소득’이었지만 저는 기본소득에 반대하는 사람”이라며 이같이 밝혔다. |trans-quote=In an interview with Newsis at the camp office in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul the previous day, former CEO [[Lee Jeong-mi]] said, “The decisive reason why Governor Lee had a progressive image was ‘Lee Jae-myung’s Basic Income’, but I am against basic income.” |work=뉴시스 |date=2 October 2021 |access-date=9 November 2021}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/economy_general/1002377.html |title=”부가세 누진적 인상, 사회복지세 신설” 정의당의 보편증세 주장 |trans-title=”Progressive increase in VAT, establishment of social welfare tax.” Justice Party’s claim for universal tax increase. |quote=갈수록 늘어가는 복지 재원을 마련하기 위한 ‘증세’는 과연 가능할까? 내년 대통령 선거를 앞두고 거대 양당의 주요 대선 주자들은 겉으로는 ‘양극화 해소’를 외치면서도 증세에는 소극적 태도로 일관하고 있다. 이런 가운데 소비세와 소득세를 중심으로 한 보편증세안이 정의당 토론회에서 나왔다. |trans-quote=