All right, it’s time for another frugal food post. Mostly to remind myself to be more efficient with the money God has blessed us with. L and I do believe that food helps heal and keep our bodies healthy, so it’s important to eat the proper food. Hence, we are willing to pay more for fruits and veggies, and some organic items.
This is the first time in five or six years that I have cooked a whole chicken. I am certainly going to do this more often – it is so cheap, and talk about efficient with time. My first attempt at doing this was when we first got married, and well, I grossed out. So grossed out that L had to eat the whole chicken himself.
Well, I found this recipe (thanks, Elizabeth!), and decided to give it another go, since we had two whole chickens sitting in our freezer, waiting to be eaten. It was good. L had to do much of the work, but it was worth it. We have enough chicken for the week! We can have chicken sandwiches, enchiladas, salads (my lunch today), chicken/rice/potatoes/veggies, stir fry… the possibilities are endless.
In addition, we even used the bones of the chicken to make a stock for soups and to flavor other dishes. Not bad for $5, right?