
Games: Reordered sentences.

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== Games ==
== Games ==
Retro games can include [video game]s as well as [[personal computer game]]s for [[retrocomputing]] platforms. [[Arcade game]]s are also popular, and were frequently attributed to individual programmers. The distinction between what is considered retro and modern is heavily debated, but it usually coincides with either the shift from 2D to 3D games (making the fourth gen the last retro generation, and the fifth being the first modern),<ref>{{cite web | title =Retro-gaming, what is it? [Le retro-gaming, qu’est-ce-que c’est?] | publisher =grospixels.com | url =https://translate.google.ca/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grospixels.com%2Fsite%2Fdosretro1.php&edit-text=&act=url | access-date =2017-11-03 }}</ref> the turn of the millennium and the increase in online gaming (making the fifth gen the last retro generation, and the sixth being the first modern), or the switch from RCA to HDMI cables for video and sound transfer and the shift from 4:3 to 16:9 as the main aspect ratio for the games (making the sixth gen the last retro generation, and the seventh being the first modern). Some games are played on the original hardware; others are played through [[emulator|emulation]]. Some retro games can still be played online using just the internet browser via DOS emulation.<ref>{{cite web | title =10 best retro games you can play online | publisher =Mwave.com.au | url =http://www.mwave.com.au/blog/2014/6/18/10-best-retro-games-you-can-play-online-now | access-date =2014-06-18 }}</ref> In some cases, entirely new versions of the games are designed, or [[Video game remake|remade]]. As well as playing games, a subculture of retrogaming has grown up around the [[Video game music|music in retro games]].
The distinction between what is considered retro and modern is heavily debated, but it usually coincides with either the shift from 2D to 3D games (making the fourth gen the last retro generation, and the fifth being the first modern),<ref>{{cite web | title =Retro-gaming, what is it? [Le retro-gaming, qu’est-ce-que c’est?] | publisher =grospixels.com | url =https://translate.google.ca/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grospixels.com%2Fsite%2Fdosretro1.php&edit-text=&act=url | access-date =2017-11-03 }}</ref> the turn of the millennium and the increase in online gaming (making the fifth gen the last retro generation, and the sixth being the first modern), or the switch from RCA to HDMI cables for video and sound transfer and the shift from 4:3 to 16:9 as the main aspect ratio for the games (making the sixth gen the last retro generation, and the seventh being the first modern). Some games are played on the original hardware; others are played through [[emulator|emulation]].
Retro games can include [video game]s as well as [[personal computer game]]s for [[retrocomputing]] platforms. [[Arcade game]]s are also popular, and were frequently attributed to individual programmers. Some retro games can still be played online using just the internet browser via DOS emulation.<ref>{{cite web | title =10 best retro games you can play online | publisher =Mwave.com.au | url =http://www.mwave.com.au/blog/2014/6/18/10-best-retro-games-you-can-play-online-now | access-date =2014-06-18 }}</ref> In some cases, entirely new versions of the games are designed, or [[Video game remake|remade]]. As well as playing games, a subculture of retrogaming has grown up around the [[Video game music|music in retro games]].
== Retrogaming methods ==
== Retrogaming methods ==