
The day after Election Day, the African American Policy Forum hosted Educators Ungagged: Teaching Truth in the Era of Racial Backlash. The panel featured educators who’ve been forced out of schools (PDF on the educators), including principal Dr. James Whitfield, suspended Aug 2021 in “A win for white power at a school board” (archived WaPo). The event also showed Virginia governor-elect’s campaign ad of a parent complaining about her child having to read “some of the most explicit material you could imagine”…. She didn’t name the offensive text. Readers, it was Toni Morrison’s depictions of the violence of slavery in the novel Beloved.

The video begins with one minute of Janelle Monae’s Say Her Name (Hell You Talmabout).

Sociologist Phillip Gorski summed up the gubernatorial result in Virginia with a tweet:
The Southern Strategy: A Brief History.
1. “N******”
2. “Welfare Queen”
3. “CRT”