
Jamie Spears has filed a petition to end his daughter’s conservatorship “If Ms. Spears wants to terminate the conservatorship and believes that she can handle her own life, Mr. Spears believes that she should get that chance,” the filing said.”

Per the Jezebel link above, “How utterly shocking, that this slimeball of a man who recently referred to himself in a court filing as the “unremitting target of unjustified attacks” over his treatment of his daughter within her conservatorship would turn around and attempt to claim that he was actually just attempting to act in her best interest all along! The tone of this filing is especially egregious considering that it’s barely been a month since Jamie Spears’ lawyers filed court documents suggesting that Britney’s mental health was deteriorating and that she might need to once again be placed under a psychiatric hold.
Although it’s undoubtedly good that Britney will be getting her wish of having her conservatorship dissolved, this filing reads like a transparent attempt by Jamie Spears to get ahead of the bad press he’s received as a result of the #FreeBritney movement by claiming responsibility for ending his daughter’s conservatorship.”

Related: Toxic, a podcast from the creators of Britney’s Gram on Britney and conservatorship.

Previous post on Free Britney here.