
Hadhramaut Governorate

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===Hadhramaut Governorate===
===Hadhramaut Governorate===
Hadhramaut Governorate License Plates consist of black text and black boundary on white background. Hadramaout Governorate plates consist of the governorate name in Arabic (حضرموت) and a 4 digit number. Hadramaut Governorate plates also have a strip on the left hand side with the letter ”’H”’ in black on a background whose color depends on the classification of the vehicle. Temporary plates have a strip on the right hand side that says “مؤقت”, meaning temporary, on a blue background. The license plates for Hadramout use a unique serif font.
Hadhramaut Governorate License Plates consist of black text and black boundary on white background. Hadramaout Governorate plates consist of the governorate name in Arabic (حضرموت) and a 4 digit number. Hadramaut Governorate plates also have a strip on the left hand side with the letter ”’H”’ in black on a background whose color depends on the classification of the vehicle. Temporary plates have a strip on the right hand side that says “مؤقت”, meaning temporary, on a blue background. The license plates for Hadramout use a unique serif font.<ref>[http://www.salmashhad.com/news/11628 Al-Mashhad Al-Janoubi Al-Awwal – “هام” إدارة أمن حضرموت تعتمد شكل جديد للوحات المركبات وتستبدل اسم”اليمن” ب”بحضرموت” وتغير رقم 5بحرف H”صورة”]</ref>