I’ve been looking forward this for so long. Last time you came to Europe you missed Ireland, but finally you’re here! It’s kind of surreal, especially since I haven’t seen you since Singapore two years ago.
Hanging out with you over the past few days has been really a walk down memory lane for me.
Sometimes living in Ireland makes you forget the years you had in Malaysia. 
Maybe unrealisingly, I tried to forget the things I loved back home,
the people I had, the things I did, the memories I had, so I could settle here.
I forgot how much we knew about each other and how long we’ve been friends.
Things I had forgotten about myself, you remembered.
It felt like it was just yesterday where we’d go walk around Sunway Pyramid aimlessly or you had to listen to my endless rants at whatever hour I decided to call. It’s hard to believe this photo was taken eight years ago at the All American Rejects concert, probably just before I had my PMR Examinations.
The dynamics have changed now, with fancy brunches, cocktails, complete with poached eggs and all. This is quite the contrast from mamak sessions filled with roti canai, teh ais, and tandoori chicken
The latter being more close to my heart.

It felt really nice that I could bring you around Trinity, a part of my life for the past four years that you didn’t know that much about. But funnily enough, it felt like we just picked it up from where we left it. Although we don’t chat online as much, I’m so grateful I have you to call as one of my oldest and best friends.

And you even got to see Trinity in its prettiest of seasons – Spring. 
The blossoms are out, the weather is good,
Hopefully a nice way to end your Euro trip before returning to the burning hot equator. 
Here’s to the friendship we started 11 years ago.
To the moments where we supported each other, through the tears, through the smiles.
Thank you for coming all the way here Jon korkor.