
The Network of Women in Growth (NEWIG-Ghana) has held a graduation ceremony for 15 ladies who completed their skills training in construction trades.

The seven-month free technical skills training undertaken in collaboration with the New Century Career Training Institute took the beneficiaries through components including general electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, and air conditioning.

They were also exposed to theories of the various trades as well as practical, site works, and generic skills after which they sat for the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) Certificate 1 exams and passed.

Executive Director, NEWIG-Ghana, Mawulawoe Anato-Domelo, speaking at the ceremony expressed delight at the feat chalked by the young ladies adding that it goes to fulfill NEWIG-Ghana’s vision of creating a society where women are free from inequality across all aspects of living, including careers.

She said the organization developed the non-traditional livelihood programme to create equal opportunities for young women to be engaged in careers that are traditionally perceived to be the preserve of men.

“Through this programme, in partnership with the African Women Development Fund, we facilitated the training of these fifteen intelligent and determined young ladies in the NEWIG Young Women in building Construction Project,” she said.

Mrs. Anato-Domelo stressed that enhancing female participation in the sector is essential for its sustainable growth adding that the organisation has trained 45 ladies so far with the graduating class being the third cohort.

Executive Director, NVTI, Mawusi Nudekor Awity, who graced the occasion, congratulated the ladies on the successful completion of their programme.

She said with the skills acquired, the ladies are ready to face the job market.

“Dear ladies, count yourselves to be offered this opportunity. Now that you have acquired these employable TVET skills, go out there and utilize the skills acquired to develop yourselves, your families, your communities as well as the country,” she said.

Special guest, Institutional Relations Manager, Contracta Construction UK Limited, Edinam Adjei-Sika, said the graduation marks the beginning of their new journey of being certified skilled artisans and urged them not to be afraid to work hard towards success.

“You have to believe in yourself and be the role model that blazes the touch for others to follow,” she said.

Principal of New Century Career Training Institute, Rita Gyening urged the graduates not to waste the investment made towards their training but go out and make the Institute proud.

The ladies were given a start-up toolkit and a certificate of completion.