
Security updates have been issued by Debian (openjdk-8 and samba), Fedora (community-mysql, firefox, and vim), openSUSE (binutils, kernel, and tinyxml), Red Hat (annobin, autotrace, babel, bind, binutils, bluez, compat-exiv2-026, container-tools:2.0, container-tools:3.0, container-tools:rhel8, cups, curl, dnf, dnsmasq, edk2, exiv2, file, file-roller, firefox, gcc, gcc-toolset-10-annobin, gcc-toolset-10-binutils, gcc-toolset-10-gcc, gcc-toolset-11-annobin, gcc-toolset-11-binutils, gcc-toolset-11-gcc, glib2, glibc, GNOME, gnutls and nettle, go-toolset:rhel8, grafana, graphviz, grilo, httpd:2.4, jasper, java-17-openjdk, json-c, kernel, kernel-rt, kexec-tools, kpatch-patch, lasso, libgcrypt, libjpeg-turbo, libsepol, libsolv, libssh, libtiff, libwebp, libX11, linuxptp, lua, mingw-glib2, mutt, ncurses, NetworkManager, openjpeg2, openssh, openssl, pcre, pcs, php:7.4, python-jinja2, python-lxml, python-pillow, python-pip, python-psutil, python27:2.7, python3, python36:3.6, python38:3.8 and python38-devel:3.8, python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9, qt5, resource-agents, rpm, rust-toolset:rhel8, spamassassin, sqlite, squid:4, tcpdump, tpm2-tools, vim, virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel, and zziplib), and SUSE (binutils and kernel).