
Nowadays, its very common to hear about various incidents of Gmail hacking by Gmail phisher. Today, online privacy is maintained only if the user is aware of various hacks used to hack email accounts. Hence, i thought of writing an article on the same topic of preventing Gmail from being hacked by hackers. Friends, i highly recommend you to read this article to prevent ur future damages.

>>What is a phisher?

I have explained in my post Hack email account password by phishing., Phishing is the best working method of hacking email account. The advantage of phishing in email account hacking is that victim is not able to recognise the fake page (phisher) as this phisher matches with the original page(depends on hacker skills).

So, here i have mentioned few tips which you should follow to prevent hacking of your email account by hackers. So lets start:

1. Fishing filter:

I will recommend use of browser which has phishing filter. Internet browsers like Firefox 3.0(my favorite), Internet Explorer 7, Opera 7x which contain phishing filter should be used for safe browsing.

2. Do not provide sensitive information :

Yes, this is the main thing you have to remember. Unless and until, you know the person or institute, do not give your sensitive information like userids , passwords, bank account numbers as a reply to any email. In fact, 90% emails demanding such information are meant for hacking..remember !

3. Suspicious Filters :

Check whether there are any suspicious filters not created by you. For checking ur email filters, go to Settings->Filters. If you find any such suspicious filter not created by you, delete it urgently.

4. Great offers, ads, winners :

Generally, Gmail users are deceived by emails which contain great offers, ads or declaring that u are lucky winner and you should provide listed query information to receive your cash prize. Never click or provide any information for such claiming emails.

5. Disable Forwarding and POP/IMAP :

To disable forwarding and POP/IMAP, go to Settings-> Forwarding and POP/IMAP and disable forwarding and POP/IMAP.

6. The most important :

The most important precaution which one must follow is “do not click on the link” provided in the email without knowing to which page the link will take you. I have added my personal experience of phishing and the method to determine the link target, where i received a paypal phisher, in my article Paypal phisher to hack Paypal account. One more thing, always open link given in email by typing address of site in new tab/window.

Thus, if you will follow these guidelines, i bet ur Gmail account will never be hacked by a phisher. Just remember the guidelines and prevent Gmail account from being hacked by hackers.

Enjoy HaCkInG…..