
“The programming language Java’s popularity has been slowly declining in some programming language index rankings, but it’s popped back into the second spot in RedMonk’s latest chart,” reports ZDNet:

Javascript still rules in RedMonk’s Q3 2021 language popularity rankings, which have been updated twice a year since 2010.

Python overtook Java for the second spot in RedMonk’s Q2 2020 ranking, and Java has remained there in Python’s shadow ever since, but now it has jumped one spot to second — a place it once again shares with Python. As RedMonk analyst Stephen O’Grady notes, Java’s consistent third placing over the past year was “prompting questions from observers as to whether it was fated to a gradual drift down these rankings”.

Tiobe’s CEO Paul Jensen last September said Java was in “real trouble” because of a notable decline in its share of queries for programming languages on major search engines. But now, according to RedMonk, Java has ‘surged’ back. “This would be less of a surprise but for many of the language’s competitors — and, it should be said, the odd industry analyst or two — writing regularly recurring epitaphs for the stalwart of enterprise infrastructure,” said O’Grady.

The article also reports that Google’s Dart programming language “made its debut in RedMonk’s top 20 this month and displaced Perl.”

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