
Prime minister sets out more details of government winter plans after announcement of ‘plan A’ booster jabs

Q: The Nighttime Industries Association says the government’s handling of the vaccine passport issue has been catastrophic. What is your response?

Johnson says he wants to keep nightclubs, and the nightime economy, open. This year they can keep it open, he says. But they have to be sensible. Plenty of venues have already been using Covid-status certificates, he says.

Q: What is your response to Nicki Minaj tweets claiming vaccines are dangerous?

Whitty says he is worried that publicising remarks like this is counter-productive.

Fair play to @BorisJohnson for saying “I am not as familiar with the works of @nickminaj as I am with the works of Nikki Kanani, superstar GP of Bexley [Medical Director of Primary Care for NHS England], who will tell you vaccines are wonderful’

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