
Slashdot reader lightbox32 shared this report from Motherboard:

T-Mobile says it is investigating a forum post claiming to be selling a mountain of personal data. The forum post itself doesn’t mention T-Mobile, but the seller told Motherboard they have obtained data related to over 100 million people, and that the data came from T-Mobile servers.

The data includes social security numbers, phone numbers, names, physical addresses, unique IMEI numbers, and driver licenses information, the seller said. Motherboard has seen samples of the data, and confirmed they contained accurate information on T-Mobile customers.

Mashable points out that “it’s entirely possible that the seller is misrepresenting the scope of the breach and/or the contents of the information they claim to be selling.
“T-Mobile likely isn’t going to say anything until there’s a clearer sense of the risks its customers are actually facing.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.