
Lewis Hamilton posted a picture of his dog, Roscoe enjoying a plate of fruit, while apparently travelling by private jet. But he is not the only star feeding their pup a plant-based diet

The first rule of flight club is you don’t talk about flight club. While a private jet might once have been the ultimate status symbol, travelling lavishly has turned into a liability for celebrities who want to be taken seriously. “What about yer private jet, then?” has, understandably, become the knee-jerk response whenever the privileged pipe up about the climate crisis. If you’re going to lecture the hoi polloi on how we need to make sacrifices to save the world, it’s a good idea not to flaunt your own excesses.

Alas, it seems Lewis Hamilton didn’t get the memo. The racing driver is a vocal vegan who has urged his fans to avoid meat for environmental reasons. Hamilton announced last year that his dog, Roscoe, is also following a vegan diet. While Hamilton got a bit of stick for his dog’s dinners at the time, a recent Instagram post featuring Roscoe posing by a fruit platter on what looks suspiciously like a private jet has sparked a fresh round of criticism. “I loves beings a vegans,” the photo’s caption (written in Doglish) reads. A section of the internet immediately decided that boasting about your dog’s veganism while on a private jet was the height of hypocrisy

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