
Sledgehammer Games rolled out another update for Call of Duty Vanguard, fixing the bloom issue and nerfing shotguns, which have been running rampant for quite some time.

Games from the Call of Duty franchise are always hard to balance. With such a variety of weapons to choose from, some would definitely be more effective than others. In this particular case, shotguns are clearly a tier higher than any other weapons. On the other hand, bloom, whose goal was to maintain balance, ended up ruining the overall experience.

Boom Nerf

The bloom feature, added into Call of Duty Vanguard, has enraged more than one player in the community. It added an element of randomness into a skill-based game. For most players, this was a recipe for disasters. It resulted in a leveled playing field, with beginners getting lucky shots and veterans being thrown off-guard.

But in this Vanguard November 18 update, Sledgehammer recognized the problem and implemented some changes. In addition to a reduced bloom on base weapons, players can equip attachments to improve their overall precisions. With weapons having a tighter spread and being less subject to recoil, the problem seems to be gone now.

Vanguard Update

Furthermore, there was another issue that really needed a fix: shotguns. These guns have been omnipresent since launch. Some players even managed to secure the highest killstreak bonus under a minute with this class of weapons. To ensure some diversity in weapon choice, Sledgehammer Games decided to heavily reduce their pellet spread, hipfire penalty, and effective range.

Image Credits to Sledgehammer Games

Like every other Vanguard update, the developers have worked on fixing bugs and glitches. No more will a player see an enemy defusing the bomb in Search and Destroy, nor have an overwhelming amount of armor points. Sledgehammer has rolled out six patches over the last eight days, reinforcing its goal to provide a better gaming experience.

Written by Charles Fuster

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