
PRESIDENT Akufo-Addo has thrown an open challenge to his political opponent, former President John Mahama, to mention one social intervention policy that he (Mahama) will introduce to better the lives of the citizenry, if he becomes president again.

According to him, whilst the New Patriotic Party (NPP) was in opposition for eight years and he (Nana) was the opposition leader, he continually laid bare policies he wanted to introduce to better the lives of the people when elected as president.

The first gentleman of the land pointed out that he has closely monitored Mr. Mahama for five years since the NDC went into opposition, and strangely he (Mahama) has not suggested a single social intervention policy to better the lives of the citizenry except to do propaganda and incite the public.

“When the NPP was in opposition, I continually declared the positive policies and programmes that I will implement to better the lives of the people, should the good people of Ghana decide to give me their mandate.

“It was during the opposition days that I promised the Free Senior High School (SHS) programme, Planting for Food and Jobs, One District, One Factory and several other positive policies, which we have implemented to better the lives of the masses, whilst in power now,” he said.

The President noted that he is utterly surprised Mr. Mahama, who has been making noise that he wants to be president again, has failed woefully to come out with a single positive policy, and said “I am challenging him to come out with one single policy if he has any.”

Before the President could conclude his statement, the NPP members, who attended the party’s annual National Delegates’ Conference at the Heroes Park in Kumasi, bumped into spontaneous laughter and cheered him on to throw more political salvos.

President Akufo-Addo said he is even surprised that Mr. Mahama has been going round and telling people that he wants to become the president of the land again, noting that the NDC has not displayed anything to show he deserved the highest seat of the land once again.

Next NPP President

Sounding confident, the President stated emphatically that he would definitely hand over the mantle of leadership to the next NPP president on January 7, 2025 to continue with his good works.

“The 2024 elections is not for the NPP to lose,” he remarked, indicating that his administration had done many good works, which has transformed the country and helped better the lives of the citizenry.

According to him, “in January 2025, I am handing over to the next NPP president,” stressing that with hard work, there is no way that the opposition NDC, who he said have no concrete campaign message could topple the NPP government in the 2024 general election.

The President, however, was quick to point out that hard work and unity are the key things that should make the NPP flourish so that the party’s determination to retain power in 2024 and break the eight-year political jinx would be achieved.

He said the NPP would definitely elect a unifier and progressive leader “and we shall massively campaign for him to secure a resounding electoral victory for the party to continue with my good works.”

Level Playing Field

President Akufo-Addo also assured that he would remain neutral and allow the party delegates from all over the country to elect the preferred person they believe could lead the party to ‘break the eight’ in 2024.

According to him, the NPP believes in democracy and therefore, the party would not prevent any qualified party member from contesting for the enviable position in the party (flagbearer).

Upcoming NPP Polls

He also called for clean and insult-free campaign, ahead of the impending NPP internal elections to select party executives, so that the unity and oneness in the party now would be maintained.

He said competition is unavoidable, especially during internal polls to elect executives but “we should not allow the competition to hinder the growth and forward march of our great party.”

NPP Records

President Akufo-Addo said his administration has chalked numerous successes, which has contributed to the proper transformation of the country.

According to him, his government has spent more money to improve the education, agriculture, infrastructure and health sector more than any other government in the Fourth Republic.

He said the NPP still has more to offer to help maintain the positive gains, adding that the NPP indeed deserved more time in political office.

The President thanked the entire NPP members for their hard work that ensured victory in 2020, urging them to sustain the good works for the party.