Scouring for Savory Articles

I’ve been searching the web for articles about tea ceremonies involving teapots recently and found this site. It has very little about ceremony practices, but it is a great introduction and history on how teapots came about. What prompted me to go sear…

More Spouting

Continuing this weeks theme on teapots I’d like to share a little about what I use. I have two teapots – one for practical use and the other for a more ceremonial purpose. Most professional tea drinkers or serious hobbyists will have more than just two…

Teapot Week

For this week I thought I’d go ahead and try something different. Something relating more to the niche side of tea. I was thinking something like teapots.They are absolutely essential if you’re trying to make that great cup of loose leaf tea. No ifs, a…

Poetry Post

I must admit, for this post I don’t have a poem that is based on tea, but I do have a poem none-the-less. This is perhaps the most unusual post I’ve ever made for this weblog and I rather enjoy it. I’m not quite sure that my poem fits with an oolong t…