こんにちは!コンサル部のinomaso(@inomasosan)です。 弊社の以下ブログを参考にECS Execの設定をしていたところ、ECSサービスのenableExecuteCommand有効にする設定でエラーとなり […]
Expo 2020 Dubai launches official visitor app and business app
Expo 2020 Dubai has launched its official visitor app and a business-focused app, helping to ensure that millions of visitors can make the most of the 182 visually striking and emotionally inspiring days of Expo from October 1.The official Expo 2020 ap…
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine shows 74% efficacy in large US trial
AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine demonstrated 74% efficacy at preventing symptomatic disease, a figure that increased to 83.5% in people aged 65 and older, according to long-awaited results of the company’s US clinical trial published on Wednesday.Overal…
Windows 11 rolls out redesigned Paint app ahead of official release
With less than a week to October 5, the official release date of Windows 11, Microsoft has rolled out the modernized Paint app to Windows Insiders on the Dev Channel.It has been redesigned to go with the Windows 11’s overhauled user interface (UI), wit…
韓国 第4波続く…日常回復に向けた動きも(日本テレビ系(NNN)) – Yahoo!ニュース – Yahoo!ニュース
韓国 第4波続く…日常回復に向けた動きも(日本テレビ系(NNN)) – Yahoo!ニュース Yahoo!ニュース
Analysis: Biden’s political fortunes are riding on congressional Democrats passing major deals
Joe Biden’s presidency agenda is on the ropes. His approval rating is at the lowest point it’s been, and now, there are real questions about whether Biden’s infrastructure plan and a larger social agenda spending package will get through Congress.
ECが実店舗を負かした? 中国1~8月ネット小売額139兆円
【9月30日 CGTN Japanese】中国国家統計局がこのほど発表したデータによりますと、今年1月から8月までの中国のインターネット小売額は前年同期比19.7%増の8兆1227億元(約139兆円)でした。≫続きを読む…