
Dougie Mitchell and Judith Reeves set out why many Scots, even unionists, prefer Sturgeon’s progressive party to the alternative, while Dr Hugh Young says anti-Brexit sentiment is not confined to the SNP

Your editorial (The Guardian view on the SNP: deliver on public services, not just a referendum, 13 September) makes some salient points about the track record of the SNP in Scotland, but you also throw in a few red herrings. I am not a fervent nationalist but have voted SNP for around 10 years for three reasons. First, it is a left-of-centre governing party; second, because it is pro-Europe and would try to rejoin the EU should Scotland become independent; and third, despite a few stains on its record which you highlight, it has governed Scotland responsibly and, although not always successful, has had the country’s best interests at heart.

It’s always been clear that Scotland is a more left-leaning country than England and the idea of the SNP providing a buffer to Boris Johnson’s shambolic rightwing agenda is of some comfort to me and many others.

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