
The Center for Cartoon Studies (previously, previously, previously) is offering a free, self-directed One-Week Cartooning Workout eCourse. Just remember: “The awful comic you make is always going to be better than the perfect comic you never make.”–Inky Solomon, CCS Legend

Other interesting offerings from the CCS (available as $0+ pay-what-you-want downloads):

* “Created for middle and high school students, Let’s Talk About It: A Graphic Guide To Mental Health is a lively and educational comic book that destigmatizes the conversation around mental health.”

* “This Is What Democracy Looks Like, A Graphic Guide To Governance. This short comic guide helps to bring democracy back to the hands of the people by explaining what democracy actually means and how the whole thing works.”

* “Health and Wealth: A Graphic Guide to US Healthcare. The goal of this concise and engaging 32-page comic is to provide a baseline understanding of the healthcare system so people can feel a little less intimidated by its complexity and cruelty, and more empowered to advocate for themselves and those they care for. We hope Health and Wealth will generate discussions around healthcare and healthcare reform.”