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Riga 57: Riga 57:
*””’Ukrainian Wedding””’ ({{lang-uk|Українcькe Beciлля}}, [[Romanization of Ukrainian|translit.]] ”Ukrayins’ke vesillya”, [[Romanization of Russian|translit.]] ”Ukrainskaya svad’ba”) was first performed in 1851, with Hulak-Artemovsky in the role of the father-in-law.
*””’Ukrainian Wedding””’ ({{Lang|uk|Українcькe Beciлля}}, [[Romanization of Ukrainian|translit.]] ”Ukrayins’ke vesillya”, [[Romanization of Russian|translit.]] ”Ukrainskaya svad’ba”) was first performed in 1851, with Hulak-Artemovsky in the role of the father-in-law.
*””’Ivan Kupala Eve””’ ({{lang-uk|Hiч на Iвaна Kyпaлa}}, [[Romanization of Ukrainian|translit.]] ”Nich na Ivana Kupala”, [[Romanization of Russian|translit.]] ”Noch’ nakanune Ivana Kupala”) was first performed in 1852
*””’Ivan Kupala Eve””’ ({{lang-uk|Hiч на Iвaна Kyпaлa}}, [[Romanization of Ukrainian|translit.]] ”Nich na Ivana Kupala”, [[Romanization of Russian|translit.]] ”Noch’ nakanune Ivana Kupala”) was first performed in 1852
*””’[[Zaporozhets za Dunayem]]””’ ({{lang-uk|Запорожець за Дунаєм}}, translated as ”A [[Zaporozhian Host|Zaporozhian]] ([[Cossack]]) Beyond the Danube”, also referred to as ”Cossacks in Exile”) was premiered {{OldStyleDate|April 26|1863|April 14}} in St. Petersburg, with Hulak-Artemovsky in the role of Karas’.
*””’Zaporozhets za Dunayem””’ ({{lang-uk|Запорожець за Дунаєм}}, translated as ”A [[Zaporozhian Host|Zaporozhian]] ([[Cossack]]) Beyond the Danube”, also referred to as ”Cossacks in Exile”) was premiered {{OldStyleDate|April 26|1863|April 14}} in St. Petersburg, with Hulak-Artemovsky in the role of Karas’.
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