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在[[邏輯]]和[[哲學]]中,”’論證”’(英語:Argument)是一系列被稱為[[前提]](英語:premises 或 premisses)的[[陳述]](在[[自然語言]]中),旨在確定另一個陳述的[[真理|真實]]程度,即結論。<ref>[http://www.iep.utm.edu/argument/ “Argument”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.”] “In everyday life, we often use the word “argument” to mean a verbal dispute or disagreement. This is not the way this word is usually used in philosophy. However, the two uses are related. Normally, when two people verbally disagree with each other, each person attempts to convince the other that his/her viewpoint is the right one. Unless he or she merely results to name calling or threats, he or she typically presents an argument for his or her position, in the sense described above. In philosophy, “arguments” are those statements a person makes in the attempt to convince someone of something, or present reasons for accepting a given conclusion.”</ref><ref>Ralph H. Johnson, ”[https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781135691202 Manifest Rationality: A pragmatic theory of argument]” (New Jersey: Laurence Erlbaum, 2000), 46–49.</ref><ref>Ralph H. Johnson, ”Manifest Rationality: A pragmatic theory of argument” (New Jersey: Laurence Erlbaum, 2000), 46.</ref><ref>The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd Ed. CUM, 1995 “Argument: a sequence of statements such that some of them (the premises) purport to give reason to accept another of them, the conclusion”</ref><ref>[http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-classical/#3 Stanford Enc. Phil., ”Classical Logic”]</ref> 自然語言中論證的邏輯形式(英語:Logical form)可以用符號[[形式語言]]表示,獨立於自然語言的正式定義的“論證”可以在[[數學]]和[[計算機科學]]中進行。
在[[邏輯]]和[[哲學]]中,”’論證”’(英語:Argument)是一系列被稱為[[前提]](英語:premises 或 premisses)的[[陳述]](在[[自然語言]]中),旨在確定另一個陳述的[[真理|真實]]程度,即結論。<ref>[http://www.iep.utm.edu/argument/ “Argument”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.”] “In everyday life, we often use the word “argument” to mean a verbal dispute or disagreement. This is not the way this word is usually used in philosophy. However, the two uses are related. Normally, when two people verbally disagree with each other, each person attempts to convince the other that his/her viewpoint is the right one. Unless he or she merely results to name calling or threats, he or she typically presents an argument for his or her position, in the sense described above. In philosophy, “arguments” are those statements a person makes in the attempt to convince someone of something, or present reasons for accepting a given conclusion.”</ref><ref>Ralph H. Johnson, ”[https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781135691202 Manifest Rationality: A pragmatic theory of argument]” (New Jersey: Laurence Erlbaum, 2000), 46–49.</ref><ref>Ralph H. Johnson, ”Manifest Rationality: A pragmatic theory of argument” (New Jersey: Laurence Erlbaum, 2000), 46.</ref><ref>The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd Ed. CUM, 1995 “Argument: a sequence of statements such that some of them (the premises) purport to give reason to accept another of them, the conclusion”</ref><ref>[http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-classical/#3 Stanford Enc. Phil., ”Classical Logic”]</ref> 自然語言中論證的邏輯形式(英語:Logical form)可以用符號[[形式語言]]表示,獨立於自然語言的正式定義的“論證”可以在[[數學]]和[[計算機科學]]中進行。