Programmer Ryan C. Gordon (also known as icculus) is a former employee at Loki Software, one of the first companies to port videogames from Microsoft Windows to Linux, according to his Wikipedia page. He’s still hosting many Loki software projects at, “as well as several new projects created by himself and others.”
He’s also Slashdot reader #32,040, and dropped by this week with a very special announcement:
I took Zork 1 and made it into a multiplayer game!
You can try it yourself by telnetting to with some friends. Telnet seemed appropriate for a game from 1980, at least until I can figure out how to efficiently send everyone a 300 baud modem.
A detailed technical explanation about hacking the Z-Machine to make this work is over here and source code is, of course, available. Enjoy, and don’t get eaten by a grue!
Read more of this story at Slashdot.