
High operating standard at the Mombasa port has helped to detect a container with radioactive substances which was on transit to Tanzania as international organisations come in to end toxic waste dumping in East Africa.

Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) acting head of security, Tony Kibwana said high standard operating procedures and modern scanning equipment helped the country to detect uranium substances in the 20 feet-container before reaching the port of destiny.

Mr Kibwana said Mombasa port has been equipped to deal with illegal trade and other counterfeit products as it ensures port workers and crew are protected.

“The vessel MV Seago Piraeus passed different ports but we are happy we identified the container before it reached the receiving port. We shall remain vigilant to ensure importers comply with set maritime trade laws,” said Mr Kibwana.

The vessel carrying the container destined to Zanzibar with radioactive substances which were detected on December 14 was ordered to return to port of loading in India with its contents on Sunday morning after reading high levels of radiations in one of the containers.

According to Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), MV Seago Piraeus voy which docked at the Mombasa Port from Salalah Port in Oman had 4,196 containers but after scanning, a 20 feet-container with identification number TCKU3337296 showed high levels of radiation forcing the port to isolate it.