
At least 80 [85, ed.] people have been declared dead at the Emergency Hospital. 10 people were dead on arrival, a source from the hospital tells.@ShereenaQazi

ISIS claimsresponsibility. The Talibans, already fighting ISIS with the support of US, condemned the act. “As soon as the airport situation is figured out and the foreign forces leave, we will not have such attacks anymore. It is because of the presence of foreign forces that such attacks take place,” said Abdul Qahar Balkhi, a member of the Taliban’s cultural commission.

At the airport, U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names [sic!] of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials. (Politico).

Biden pledges retaliation for ISIS attack that killed US troops.