
What if it’s all bullshit? An academic philosopher ponders discrimination, failed COVID policies, and bullshit

There is a special perversity in pursuing a vocation that hinges entirely on the premise that knowledge matters while obliged to deny what knowledge shows. As a scholar, I could not do my job if I accepted the sort of “reasoning” we are given for the cruel arrangements under which we labor. And that is the fundamental bullshit on which all the bullshit sits. The very thing my job has made me is the thing my job no longer wants. I am trained to live comfortably and well inside the space of reasons, to venture into wilds for evidence, to govern what I do with knowledge. My life project was in part to teach others to do likewise. That which makes me what I am is also that which makes me now unfit for the world I must inhabit. We here have exited the space of reason.”