
Orca Deco (Ghana) Limited, has presented 176 hospital beds worth GH¢200,000.00 to the Rebecca Foundation in Accra.

This gesture forms part of Orca Deco’s commitment to the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo’s activities in support of the government’s efforts to reduce the “no bed syndrome” in the country’s health facilities.

At a ceremony to receive the beds, Mrs. Akufo-Addo thanked Orca Deco for always responding to calls from her outfit to support the people of Ghana particularly on issues affecting women, children, and the vulnerable.

She recounted how Orca Deco was the first to donate 7,000 food boxes when the Foundation launched the Relief Boxes Challenge and called on retailers to donate what they could to help those in need during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic which led to the lockdown of Greater Accra and Kumasi.

Mrs. Akufo-Addo reiterated the commitment of the Foundation to promote the well-being of all Ghanaian women and children and said it would continue to work earnestly in their interest.

She called on well-meaning corporate organizations to partner with her outfit to address challenges identified in the health and education sectors.

Managing Partner at Orca Deco, Rayan Sharara, lauded the efforts of the First Lady towards providing support for maternal and child healthcare in Ghana.

He said the company has grown to be a household name in Ghana due to the support and patronage of Ghanaians hence Orca is always eager to take steps to help alleviate any form of societal challenges particularly in matters prevalent among women and children.

He added that the phenomenon of lack of beds at hospitals for new patients, particularly in the emergency departments commonly called the ‘No Bed Syndrome’ which sometimes results in preventable deaths is very disheartening and worrisome.

Mr. Sharara used the occasion to assure the First Lady and the public of Orca’s continued support to make lives better in all facets of the Ghanaian society.