Excel Power Analyst Boot Camp

Mike Alexander of DataPig Technologies is holding a seminar at Alexandria, VA (near Washington the city, not the state), from September 19, 2011 (Monday) to September 20, 2011 (Tuesday).

Topics include

Sourcing External Data

VBA Code Indenter 2

A slightly "improved" version of my VBA Code Indenter is available.

This version starts indenting after Sub and Function names. The reason I decided to do this is because it seems to be the standard with other folk’s code I have seen posted online. Who a…

VBA Code Indenter

There are 2 VBA code indenters that I know of, and unfortunately, I am not able to install either of them where I need them most to due to admin rights. With "complex" code, indenting can help a lot by making code easier to read so I decided to make my ow…

Quick Paste Special

When I saw Paste Special in Excel 2010, I thought "Cool!". I was a bit dubious about some of the choices and the icons that represent them, but that was okay because nobody ever thinks the same way.

However, I had 2 problems. The first is I only have 2…

Excel Everest

Recently I was asked by Excel Everest for a review of their training.

First off – I like their approach of using Excel itself to present the training.

And I liked how they make it fun. (Watch out for the bear and other hazards!)

What’s most…

Add a Row to an AutoFilter

Adding a row to the bottom of an AutoFilter is something we do often enough but doing it without code requires more clicks than I would like – copy an existing row, select the row below where the existing bottom row is, then opening up Paste Special. We p…

Networkdays Per Week Between 2 Dates

Gee, time flies when you are moping around not posting on your Excel blog. In 2009 I posted a blog entry called Days Per Week Between 2 Dates. At the end I noted that the formula did not take weekends or public holidays into account. Recently I made a for…

DIY Filter Search

In Excel 2010, one of the handy features that was added is a filter search box for Autofilters.

It’s great that the filter actually changes as you type. But I don’t always work with 2010, so I decided to make something close. I wanted something whe…

Calculate Time

Adding or subtracting days to a date in Excel is easy but, unless I am missing something, adding hours to a time is a bit harder. Yes, you could use inbuilt functions TIME, with HOUR, MINUTE and SECOND to do it but it’s still not the same if you just want…