[$] Intel AMX support in 5.16

The x86 instruction set is large, but that doesn’t mean it can’t get bigger
yet. Upcoming Intel processors will feature a new set of instructions
under the name of “Advanced Matrix Extensions” (AMX) that can be used to
operate on matrix data. …

Ryabitsev: lore+lei: part 1, getting started

Konstantin Ryabitsev introduces
the “local email interface” (lei) functionality for the lore archive of
kernel mailing lists.

Even though it started out as merely a list archival service, it
quickly became obvious that lore could be used for…

Conill: an inside look into the illicit ad industry

Ariadne Conill shares
some experience of working in the online advertising industry.

The cycle of patching on both sides is ongoing to this day. A
friend of mine on Twitter referred to this tug-of-war as “core
war,” which is an apt descript…

Horgan: Linux x86 Program Start Up

Patrick Horgan explains
the process of starting a program on Linux in great detail.

Well, __libc_start_main calls __libc_init_first,
who immediately uses secret inside information to find the
environment variables just after the terminatin…

[$] 5.16 Merge window, part 1

As of this writing, Linus Torvalds has pulled exactly 6,800 non-merge
changesets into the mainline repository for the 5.16 kernel release. That
is probably a little over half of what will arrive during this merge
window, so this is a good time …

Fedora 35 released

The Fedora 35
release has been announced.

No matter what variant of Fedora you use, you’re getting the latest
the open source world has to offer. Following our “First”
foundation, we’ve updated key programming language and system
library p…