The metal equipment in this outdoor gym at a south London park is all made from melted knives taken off the streets. Now it’s become a focus for people to sharpen their skills and strengthIt looks like Jay Chris is waving to the crowd with his legs. Th…
Constant craving: how digital media turned us all into dopamine addicts
According to addiction expert Dr Anna Lembke, our smartphones are making us dopamine junkies, with each swipe, like and tweet feeding our habit. So how do we beat our digital dependency?Dr Anna Lembke, a world-leading expert on addiction, is concerned …
‘The assignment made me gulp’: Could talking to strangers change my life?
So often we interact with the world via phones and apps, but what if you struck up a converastion with a random person? A growing body of research suggests we shouldIt’s 7am on a Monday and my heart is racing. Normally my Mondays are reserved for tedio…