I Got An Idea!

While i am reforming my ‘Futago’ deck from a yellow green deck to a green red deck… suddenely i got a very werid idea in my head spinning around.What happens if my futago deck does a three colour deck just like mai hime deck.Can wait to find it out a…


This has been released live over yesterday at nico nico at ard 5pm to 7pmDC is gona be 1st ~~~In Weiss SeriesFeb 27 is the Trial DeckMarch 27 is the Booster BoxFollowed By~~~~ In Weiss SeriesTO ARU MAJUTSU NO INDEX! (Same Production and Publish company…


The card geeks monthly shop tournment.. i went on sundayGot my self a 1st position using my futago deck, kinda of very lucky on that day, keep canceling damages.A 3 W 1 L and then went for top 41L -> Lost to my friend.. lol a Fun deck (encore,draw d…


Just as i bored, i decided to watch Yugioh 5D.. then i accidentally stumbled across this informationYu-Gi-Oh! 10th Anniversary Movie on Jan 23 2010 ! With all the three seasons combine to one original movie story! Damn sad i am not from japan, i keep m…

So Happenin.!

Wow, didnt find my self to update so fast… first thing first, Card geeks is hosting card tourney this month of December. The card geeks monthly shop tourney on de 5th December (Saturday, Day A) and 6th December (Sunday, Day B).Also, there will be a r…

Lots Of Stuff Happened

Cant really remember my wins and losses at AFA day a and c lol. =PMy birthday passed, thanks everyone for attending for my birthday party. And also, thanks de present, hope you enjoyed the food and the pool. (and pushing me in the pool as well for lots…

~ i Ma Still Alive ~

Being lazy to blog for the last few weeks, but… here am i.. posting a new post.During these last weeks, i have been quite busy at week ends.Firstly, I went to the card geeks and entered the newbie (Phantom Requiem Of The Phantom) Trial Deck Tournamen…

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor

Finally, I am back at home. Today, I am going to review about this game called Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. This game is quite old and the sole reason I am going to review it because of its interesting plot, plus this game has the same game make…