Canada’s Navy Absolutely Furious Over Sailor’s Parody of Mid-Tier Mötley Crüe Song: “The Ottawa Citizen first reported on the Navy’s failed investigation of the crooner of the navy-tinged Crüe hit. An email chain obtained via an access to information r…
Dun dun dun dun…dah dah dah dah
The archive department of Fremantle Media, the company that owns the Thames Televison archive and brand, has been posting its contents the Thames TV YouTube Channel for some time. It contains playlists by subject, and a compilation of the iconic Thames…
Volume warning
“The Federal Signal Thunderbolt siren is one of the most famous ‘older sirens’ in the history of sirens.” Check out the high-low fire signal on this one in Sarnia, ON, one that’s flooded, in Maysville, OK, one on full alert in Seminole, OK, an alternat…