Cyberlink PowerDVD 7

Cyberlink PowerDVD 7 adalah software yang bisa anda gunakan untuk memutar DVD yang dimasukan kedalam DVD-ROM komputer anda, Cyberlink mempunyai Fitur yang tidak kalah bagusnya dengan software lain, fitur tersebut diantaranya seperti pengganti Subtitl…

WPF and WindowsFormsHost

I recently ran into a solution for one of the commonly known “Airspace issues” of the WindowsFormsHost. As a result of my research i figured out, that WindowsFormsHost (and any other windows forms content) is always rendered on top of WPF content.My pr…

CheckedListBox with WPF

Since the WPF control library lacks a number of nice controls from windows forms one either has to buy one the pricy WPF libraries or build the necessary controls on his own. Here’s my implementation of a CheckedListBox with an item context menu.First …

Free Adsense Ready Blogspot XML Template New Version for Gray and White Mercedes Benz Template.

This time I would announce the latest version of Gray and White Mercedes Benz Template. This free adsense ready blogspot xml template will be equipped a little additional fix : safer for IE double adsense ads after header bugfix.
You can download those…