New Storage-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances (Im4gn and Is4gen) Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processors

EC2 storage-optimized instances are designed to deliver high disk I/O performance, and plenty of storage. Our customers use them to host high-performance real-time databases, distributed file systems, data warehouses, key-value stores, and more. Over the years we have released multiple generations of storage-optimized instances including the HS1 (2012) , D2 (2015), I2 (2013) , I3 […]

New – Amazon EC2 M6a Instances Powered By 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors

AWS and AMD have collaborated to give customers more choice and value in cloud computing, starting with the first generation AMD EPYC™ processors in 2018 such as M5a/R5a, M5ad/R5ad, and T3a instances. In 2020, we expanded the second generation AMD EPYC™ processors to include C5a/C5ad instances and recently G4ad instances, combining the power of both […]

New – Amazon EC2 G5g Instances Powered by AWS Graviton2 Processors and NVIDIA T4G Tensor Core GPUs

AWS Graviton2 processors are custom-designed by AWS to enable the best price performance in Amazon EC2. Thousands of customers are realizing significant price performance benefits for a wide variety of workloads with Graviton2-based instances. Today, we are announcing the general availability of Amazon EC2 G5g instances that extend Graviton2 price-performance benefits to GPU-based workloads including […]

New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Resource Efficiency Metrics to Estimate Savings Opportunities and Performance Risks

By applying the knowledge drawn from Amazon’s experience running diverse workloads in the cloud, AWS Compute Optimizer identifies workload patterns and recommends optimal AWS resources. Today, I am happy to share that AWS Compute Optimizer now delivers resource efficiency metrics alongside its recommendations to help you assess how efficiently you are using AWS resources: A dashboard […]

New for AWS Compute Optimizer – Enhanced Infrastructure Metrics to Extend the Look-Back Period to Three Months

By using machine learning to analyze historical utilization metrics, AWS Compute Optimizer recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance. Over-provisioning resources can lead to unnecessary infrastructure costs, and under-provisioning resources can lead to poor application performance. Compute Optimizer helps you choose optimal configurations for three types of AWS resources: […]