
社内勉強会で AWSのマルチアカウント戦略について話しました。 使ったスライドを公開しています。 構成は以下のようになっています。 マルチアカウントでよく出てくる用語や考え方を説明しました。 #1 マルチアカウント戦略が […]…

New for AWS Control Tower – Region Deny and Guardrails to Help You Meet Data Residency Requirements

Many customers, such as those in highly regulated industries and the public sector, want to have control over where their data is stored and processed. AWS already offers many tools and features to comply with local laws and regulations, but we want to provide a simplified way to translate data residency requirements into controls that […]

New – AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform

AWS Control Tower makes it easier to set up and manage a secure, multi-account AWS environment. AWS Control Tower uses AWS Organizations to create what is called a landing zone, bringing ongoing account management and governance based on our experience working with thousands of customers. If you use AWS CloudFormation to manage your infrastructure as […]