An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Reinsurance giant Swiss Re announced Wednesday that it had signed the world’s first long-term agreement to take carbon directly out of the air. The contract with Climeworks AG, one of the world’s lead…
英国、日本に石炭火力発電施設の全廃を要求へ。 過去のモントリオール議定書は効果があったとする報告
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日経新聞によれば、政府はコンビニなどの事業者に対し、プラ製品の削減品目を新たに12製品設定する方針であるそうだ。2022年4月から施行される予定の「プラスチック資源循環促進法」に基づくもので、プラ製品の使用量が年間5トン以上の事業者に対しては、有料化や再利用が義務化されるという。これはほとんどのコンビニやスーパーが該当するとしている(日経新聞)。 記事によると対象品目はスプーン、ストロー、マドラー、ヘアブラシや歯ブラシ、ハンガーなどが上がっているとしている。対人で営業するサービスだけでなく、ネット通…
Hydrogen Lobbyist Quits, Calls ‘Blue Hydrogen’ a Distraction Possibly Locking in Fossil Fuel Use
Remember that study that found that “blue” hydrogen (produced from natural gas using a carbon-capture technique) may be worse for the planet than coal?
“That study was apparently a tipping point for Chris Jackson, who this week stepped down as chair …
Climate Change is Making Hurricanes Worse
The world’s climate crisis is making hurricanes more potent, reports CNN:
The proportion of high-intensity hurricanes has increased due to warmer global temperatures, according to a UN climate report released earlier this month. Scientists have also fo…
A New Volcanic Island Has Appeared Near Japan
“A new island has been discovered near Iwo Jima,” reports long-time Slashdot reader thephydes, “located around 1,200 kilometers [746 miles] south of Tokyo, after a submarine volcano began erupting late last week, the Japan Coast Guard said Monday.”
Rain Falls at the Summit of Greenland Ice Sheet for First Time on Record
Greenland just experienced another massive melt event this year. But this time, something unusual happened. It also rained at the summit of the ice sheet, [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source] nearly two miles above sea level. …
The Worst 5% of Power Plants Produce 73% of Their Emissions
Ars Technica reports on a paper investigating how much each power plant contributes to global emissions, using data from 2018. “The study finds that many countries have many power plants that emit carbon dioxide at rates well above either the national …
‘Blue’ Hydrogen Is Worse For the Climate Than Coal, Study Says
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Most hydrogen today is made by exposing natural gas to high heat, pressure, and steam in a process that creates carbon dioxide as a byproduct. In what’s called “gray” hydrogen, all that carbon diox…