Goodbye Tokyo, Hello Kyoto. A rearrangement of those five letters introduced me to the historical and traditional side of Japan. For two days, I walked on tatami floors, tasted the food of a 400-year-old market, and learnt more about Japanese…
Tokyo: An amalgamation of cultures
Solo travel. A desire to discover a new destination while discovering more of me. I remember the first time I boarded a plane by myself which was not heading to Malaysia. At 18, I boarded a plane to London from Shannon and had roughly 24 hours to explo…
Korea & Thursday Rain Amidst a Rising Sun
I let the delicate spring rain graze my head and nose as I walked to work on this calm morning. I would normally let this setup float the thought of coziness and comfort in a daydreamer’s romanticized vision, like a painting titled Peace in Solitude, b…