mmtについて質問です。 mmtについて質問です。mmtではインフレになるまで国債を発行すると言っていますが、国の借金が大きくなりすぎるとその利息を払うためにさらなる国債を発行せざるを得なくなりインフレになってもお金をばら撒き続ける事になるのではないでしょうか?そうなった場合税をあげても国民からお金を奪っ…
We need to talk about ‘moderate’ Democrats
Why Are Moderates Trying to Blow Up Biden’s Centrist Economic Plan? [ungated] – “In attacking the Build Back Better Act, they are working against their own purported aims.” “This is why America as an experiment — the building of a society that is both…
An Absolute Magnet for Bad Tempered Online Debate
Do Taxes Fund Spending? But, of course, this is the whole point of “Modern Monetary Theory” – as I regularly and apparently irritatingly point out, the first word of that phrase is an adverb modifying the adjective, not an adjective modifying the noun….