Someone Is Trying To Make Mother 4 Again And It Looks Great

Not satisfied with simply taking inspiration from Mother (known as EarthBound outside Japan), a new group of developers is trying their hands at creating an unofficial numbered entry in Nintendo’s cult classic role-playing franchise.Read more…

Less Than 5 Percent Of Managers At Nintendo HQ Are Women

Following internal comments by Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser earlier this month about allegations of sexual misconduct and discrimination at Activision Blizzard, Nintendo has updated its Corporate Governance document today with a new commit…

Nintendo Switchを大画面で“携帯モードプレイ”できる「ORION」を周辺機器メーカーが開発中。総重量は約1kg – AUTOMATON

ゲーム周辺機器メーカーUp-Switchが、Nintendo Switch向けの周辺機器「ORION」を開発中だ。Nintendo Switchの携帯モードを大画面でプレイできる製品となっており、Indiegogoでのクラウドファンディングに成功。間もなく出荷が開始されるという。 ORIONは、11.6インチの液晶ディスプレイを搭載するモバイルモニタであり、…

Nintendo Switchのルートキーを取得する方法をハッカーが解説

2018年にもNintendo Switchのルートキーを取得したことがあるというハッカーのplutoo氏が、アップデートによりセキュリティ機能が強化された最新のNintendo Switchのルートキーを取得する方法を公開しました。 Full key extraction of NVIDIA™ TSEC…

Former Nintendo Exec Reggie Fils-Aimé Hosts Xbox Event For Microsoft

Right from the get go, former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé addressed the elephant in the room: “I’m sure at this point you’re wondering, what is the former president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America doing at a Micros…

Report: Nintendo Of America President Says Activision’s Harassment Stories Are ‘Distressing And Disturbing’

Activision’s self-serving response to historic allegations of abuse and misogyny in its workplace has been drawing a lot of criticism lately, from shareholders demanding the resignation of CEO Bobby Kotick, to staff staging multiple walkouts. Now Ninte…

The Evercade VS Recaptures That Cartridge Game Magic

Last year UK company Blaze Entertainment released the Evercade, a lovely handheld gaming system that uses cartridges to play retro game compilations. Now the company is doubling down with the Evercade VS, a TV console with two cartridge slots and suppo…