Why Programming is Easy but Software Engineering is Hard

Beginners who want to get into the software field often get programming and software engineering mixed up. These are not the same thing. Programming is a part of software engineering. Software engineering on the other hand, encompasses so much more than programming. Software engineering is the pr…

【CloudFormation】SQS + Lambda で通知集約させてみた

AWSでアラートなどを通知させる際に、似た内容が何件も来てしまうことがありませんか? 似た内容は、集約して通知してくれると嬉しいので、SQS + Lambdaで通知の集約を考えてみました。 構成 考えた構成は以下のように […]…

GitHub – rougier/scientific-visualization-book: An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib

Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib Nicolas P. Rougier, Bordeaux, November 2021. The Python scientific visualisation landscape is huge. It is composed of a myriad of tools, ranging from the most versatile and widely used down to the more specialised and confidential. Some of these tools…