Five multiple-choice questions – set by children – to test your knowledge, and a chance to submit your own junior brain-teasers for future quizzesSubmit a question• Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun, a weekly podcast answering children’s qu…
Huxley, Hitchcock, and Hitchhiker’s Guide – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday. How will you fare?The quiz remains the same. Fourteen questions on general knowledge and some topical date-based trivia, featuring some infuriating anagrams, th…
Massive moons, lengthy canals and a very optimistic Neville – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?The quiz master remains away, but early this morning a troupe of highly trained carrier pigeons delivered 14 questions from a secret location…
Robots, Russians and rock’n’roll – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?The quiz master remains on holiday, but before he departed he left behind a crumpled up piece of paper behind a filing cabinet with 14 questi…
Time travel, doppelgangers and a lady in red – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?The quiz master is away, but do not fret. Before he left, a cache of documents written in invisible ink were entrusted to a secret operative …
Captains, capitals, and Cruise’s curry curiosity – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?There’s nothing quite like the Thursday quiz. Once described in the comments as “irritating, shrill and self-indulgent” it features 14 questi…
Travel plans, J-Lo’s man and why now less is more – take the Thursday quiz
Fourteen questions on general knowledge and topical news trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?Have you been enjoying the Olympics? Then why not go for gold yourself with the challenge of the Thursday quiz. A mix of general knowled…