The leap from one console generation to the next continues to be a puzzle worthy of Uncharted: not terribly mind-bending, but certainly more complicated than you’d expect. The latest example, in an Escherian twist, is Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves, the …
Sony Shows The Future Of Next-Gen VR With Prototype Headset
Today, Sony held an online event called Sony Technology Day to showcase different technology that the company is developing. One presentation showed Sony’s prototype for an 8K VR headset. Read more…
SIE上級副社長が解雇―相手が未成年と知りながら性器画像を送信するといった行為が暴露される | Game*Spark – 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト
SIE上級副社長が解雇―相手が未成年と知りながら性器画像を送信するといった行為が暴露される | Game*Spark – 国内・海外ゲーム情報サイト
PlayStation Executive Fired After Pedophile Allegation Video Posted Online
George Cacioppo, a senior vice president at Sony Interactive Entertainment who had worked in engineering and on the PlayStation Store since 2013, has been “terminated” from his position after he reportedly appeared over the weekend in a pedophile sting…
【ミッドナイトブルーが登場!!】ソニーのワイヤレスヘッドセット「WH-1000XM4」をおトクに購入する方法 – スペック、販売ショップまとめ
2021年11月29日より台数・期間限定モデル「WH-1000XM4 LM(ミッドナイトブルー色)」の受注受付開始!価格は激安の税込29,700円!
The Game Awards Won’t Take Sides On Activision Fallout To Focus On Reveals
As Geoff Keighley’s annual Game Awards show enters its eighth year, the creator and host told The Washington Post today that he’s still thinking about how to “navigate” Activision Blizzard’s involvement in the ceremony following the latest reports of s…
Gift Guide: 10 great cameras for when a smartphone lens just isn’t enough
As we wade into the second pandemic-era holiday season, there’s no better time to throw yourself headlong into a new hobby. Or that’s what you should tell your loved ones when you gift them one of the cameras on our list of photography gift ideas this year.
Report: PlayStation Planning Xbox Game Pass-Style Subscription Service
Sony is finalizing a new PlayStation subscription meant to give the platform its own Xbox Game Pass-style service that’s tentatively scheduled to launch next spring, Bloomberg reports.Read more…
The PlayStation 1 Is Now 27 Years Old
On December 3, 1994, the first PlayStation was released in Japan, and video games haven’t been the same since. It’s hard to underscore the PlayStation’s impact. The graphics and sound were all cutting edge for their time. Compared to the cartridge-base…
ソニーワイヤレスコミュニケーションズは11月29日、個人用ローカル5G接続サービス「NURO Wireless 5G」を2022年春ごろから提供すると発表した(ソニーワイヤレスコミュニケーションズリリース、ケータイ Watch、Engadget、CNET)。
通信速度の制限はなく、ルーターはレンタルで回線工事は不要というのが特徴。Engadgetの記事によれば、使い勝手としてはNTTドコモの「home 5G」やソフトバンクの「SoftBank Air」などに準じたものになるようだ。利用料はまだ確…